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Virtus Publications Ottawa
Council on Foreign Relations

Rise of Global Empire

by | May 20, 2021 | 0 comments

The issue of our time is a manufactured strain of global socialism, an imposed counterfeit of government that perverts the true purpose of human rights, one that seeks to grant and create them rather than protect them.

It has become clear that a program of sustained indoctrination towards global government has become the norm in American and Western universities across the world, linked with a mass media campaign to usher in a new era of consent to imperial global institutions.

As we mentioned in our previous article (Deciphering the Imperial Matrix), the United Nations is a Western Empire cloaking itself as a universal organization – an imperial league that asserts its authority on behalf of the international community to exercise the will of the great powers of the Security Council. The United Nations was the first empire that laid out its grand strategy in a formal, written manner, and that built and continues to rely upon a sprawling ideological framework since its inception.

Many writers often refer to Caroll Quigley and his statements in his book Tragedy and Hope about the invisible power structure and the Anglo-American network that existed during the 20th century with a great deal of attention given to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Quigley was an eminent historian and one of Bill Clinton’s professors at Georgetown University. He wrote extensively on the Anglo-American Establishment and the true nature of power configurations during the 20th century. His specialization was the history of civilizations, and he understood the long-term course of power based on decades of careful analysis and study. What has been overlooked is the first chapter in his book that engages in direct discussion concerning the future course of Western power and its impact on the world.

It is not yet clear whether Western civilization will continue along the path marked by so many earlier civilizations, or whether it will be able to reorganize itself sufficiently to enter upon a new, fourth, Age of Expansion… In this case, we shall undoubtedly get a Universal Empire in which the United States will rule most of Western Civilization.
(p. 10)

Although his book is freely available on the internet in PDF format (for example see here, or here), few seem to have read it or are acquainted with it, and the deeper insights it provides regarding imperial power and its real origins and how it evolves. The reality of Universal Empire can be seen in the mutually dependent aspects of one broader process of transformation. The ideas that the age of empires has come to an end has been a rash assumption. Intermediate institutions such as NATO, the UN, IMF, the World Bank, the World Health Organization and UNESCO are all exercising increased global influence and are converting soft power into hard power by exercising control over mechanisms and key policy directives in the name of globalization.

I want to emphasize that the criticism and observation of imperial actors in the USA does not in any way diminish my respect and admiration for the Constitution and the many good citizens who seek to protect it. As American power has risen during the 20th century, the invisible power structure residing in the American Establishment has constructed these intermediate institutions as a means of protecting their own interests and bringing the rest of the global community into their circle of power with themselves as undisputed leaders of a new global order. Although this has been done in a peaceful manner, unknown to the general public, it bears a striking resemblance in terms of effect, to ancient Rome’s military expansion throughout the Mediterranean world, which served to weaken the Republican order. Instead of a military takeover, what we are witnessing is a gradual bureaucratic net being constructed to stifle freedom and channel resources into more political structures that are unaccountable to anyone. Under the Roman Emperor Augustus, the republican institutions became an empty shell or a mere façade, concealing the reality of a new system where Roman citizens lacked decisive political influence. They accepted this reality after a long and bloody civil war, where their exhaustion and fears of future insecurity allowed them to concede their freedoms for the promise of stability.

Besides constructing a massive global bureaucratic network, these present-day actors are constructing a Grand Narrative that we are all to follow, a massive cultural and political shift that does away with personal freedoms for the sake of collective obedience to the imperial mission. The lesson is that conquest can come in various forms or through different means. The evolution of subversive and deceptive tactics has evolved and become more sophisticated, moving far beyond Karl Marx. Antonio Gramsci was an Italian revolutionary and Marxist thinker who envisioned a long march through social and political institutions, a gradual takeover without firing a shot. He had plenty of time to contemplate his methods since he spent several years in a prison cell. His blueprint has been executed with devastating effect in Western institutions of education, media, and government, as the collectivist mindset has been combined with a new brand of global cultural Marxism, attacking everything and everyone in its wake who does not bow down and agree with the prescribed agenda.

How did this happen, and who were the architects of this all-encompassing infiltration? Why has the West dramatically turned away from the core values that made it a great civilization, rejecting them for dogmatic ideas masquerading as critical theory?

It takes time to answer these questions, as it was a slow, steady process that took decades to execute, just as Gramsci had envisioned. The cultural literati (professors, journalists, publishers) have virtually all come under the sway of the new imperial doctrine. Was this an organic, naturally occurring process, or was it a distinctive and orchestrated phenomenon from above? Where can we begin in our search to find these answers and locate the origins of this carefully crafted agenda? We mention the names of communist writers because they have been useful pawns in the hands of globalist planners who use strategies of divide and rule, sowing division and corroding the foundations of a strong and virtuous society. Gaining a deeper understanding of this ongoing historical process takes time, patience, and discipline. In future writings we will look at the most influential individuals and organizations, though we will devote a high level of focus on one organization that everyone should know about and understand, the Council on Foreign Relations. It has played a central role in creating the United Nations, and in manufacturing consent towards the ultimate goal of global governance.

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>> This post was tagged: History


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